Auto Accident
Motor vehicles are the number one mode of transportation in the United States. Unfortunately they may not always be the safest. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that on average 89 people died each day in motor vehicle accident in the year 2011 alone.
With statistics like these it is important to know you and your family have access to a legal advocate if you are injured in an auto accident.

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Whether the collision was minor or severe the hassles of dealing with insurance companies and court processes can become quite difficult without the assistance of an experienced lawyer. An knowledgeable auto accident lawyer can guide your claim through the legal process of recovering for medical expenses, pain and suffering and lost wages.
When it comes to dealing with insurance companies, whether it be your own or an offending drivers you may be treated as just a number. Insurance companies are for profit businesses and guard that mercilessly. Often times insurance companies will not take into account the full scope of loss applying to a settlement. Anvil Legal Group can help you avoid becoming just another number or file to be processed. We consider our clients part of our team and believe each case is unique and deserves individual attention.
What to do if you get in an accident
Call the police.
Not only is it your responsibility to do so, this will help properly document your claim, assist your insurance company and provide you with the necessary information on the other drivers and witnesses.
Immediately seek medical attention.
Injuries from an accident are not always physically noticeable immediately following the collision. Your health and safety are the number one priority so we urge you to seek medical a medical evaluation right away. Adrenaline will often mask symptoms so we recommend that you do not refuse medical attention at the scene.
Document the scene of the accident.
Take pictures. Documenting the scene of the accident will assist with prosecuting your claim. If you or another passenger is physically able use a mobile device to take pictures of the scene and vehicles involved.
Keep records of medical treatment.
Keep a journal of your treatment, names and phone numbers of all treatment providers, medications, physical therapy, etc. Information such as this documents your claim and exemplifies what you’ve been through.
Obtain a police report.
If the police are called to the scene be sure to obtain a police report from the responding officer. If you are physically unable to, such as in severe collisions in which you are transported from the scene via ambulance, make note of the responding police department. Be sure to keep a copy of the report. You may also have the obligation in your state to file your own report of the accident, regardless of the police arriving at the scene.
Notify your insurance carrier.
Be sure to notify your insurance carrier immediately following the accident. Failure to do so may affect your coverage and ability to obtain reimbursement for medical expanses.
Contact Anvil Legal Group.
Our attorneys and legal staff are standing by to assist with your claim.