IVC Filters Lawsuits
Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) filters were manufactured for patients who are at risk for developing blood clots. The device works as a catch for the clots, keeping them contained until they are dissolved. It prevents them from traveling to the heart or lungs, which could have lethal consequences. IVC filters are surgically implanted into the veins and are intended to be temporarily in place, until the risk of developing clots diminishes. The devices in question were originally approved in 2002 with several models being released since that time.

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What to know about Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filters
Unfortunately, over their time on the market, the FDA has been receiving hundreds of reports of adverse events caused by the filters. The reports indicate the device has a tendency to malfunction, more specifically break and facture, leading to serious complications. Pieces of the device have been noted to break off, migrate throughout the body, puncturing veins and organs. Since 2010, the FDA has issued two safety communications regarding these risks and the amount of time in which the temporary filter should be removed from the body.
IVC Filter Complications
Several former IVC filter patients have suffered from severe complications after their filter defected. The device fracturing is a central point of concern. In numerous cases, the device has fractured, traveled to the heart causing permanent damage and in some instances, requiring open-heart surgery. Among the reports submitted, many note pieces of the device migrating through the body leading to damaged veins and organs. According to the FDA, the likelihood of fracture increases the longer the filter is implanted. This is the reason for its 2014 update to the original safety announcement adding that the filter should be removed between 29 and 54 days.
Some of the health risks from the device fracturing include:
- Heart & Lung Perforation
- Embedment Into Organs
- Vein Puncture & Damage
- Pulmonary Embolism
For many patients who suffered from the device embedding, they will require life-long monitoring. Pieces of the filter have lodged into organs and pose too great of a risk to remove.
IVC Filter Lawsuits
Anvil Legal Group, LLP is representing those afflicted by complications stemming from blood clot filters. Several lawsuits have been filed by and behalf of former patients implanted with IVC filters. Among the complaints are allegations that the manufacturers failed to warn doctors and patients concerning the risk of fracture and the device was negligently designed. Cases across the country are being filed in federal courts. Enough so that multi-district litigation (MDL) has been formed to centralize similar claims against the same defendants. The MDL is granted to allow for a more expeditious handling of numerous claims at once.
For some, a lawsuit may be the only way to restore normalcy to life after an adverse event caused by an IVC filter. Medical care can be extremely costly, especially when coupled with lost wages. We offer free consultations to anyone who feels they may have a claim against the manufacturer.
Models & Manufacturers
There are five IVC filter models central to the litigation. They are manufacturer by C.R. Bard and Cook Medical.
The models in question are:
- Bard G2
- Bard G2 Express
- Bard Recovery
- Cook Gunther Tulip
- Cook Celect
Medical device makers have a duty to ensure the safety of products they market. It is alleged the manufacturers were aware of the risks associated with IVC filters but did not inform the medical industry. Multiple studies, beyond the FDA’s, confirm the significant hazard the filters carry.
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Anvil legal Group, LLP has represented hundreds of victims injured by faulty medical products and prescription drugs. We accept these cases on a contingency fee basis meaning there are no fees unless you are awarded a settlement. The consultation is free and confidential. Contact us to discuss your legal options if you or a loved one has experienced complications from an IVC filter.