Mirena IUD Lawsuits
The Mirena IUD is a form of contraception approved by the FDA in the year 2000. It is manufactured by Bayer Pharmaceuticals and has come under scrutiny as a result of its harmful side effects. Mirena is an intrauterine device and has been marketed as a more convenient contraceptive because it is supposed to last for up to 5 years once implanted.
Lawsuits are mounting against Bayer for the alleged danger and risks associated with the device. Mirena has been reported to have severe side effects including ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease and perforation of the uterus. More than 40,000 reports of severe complications suffered by Mirena patients have been filed with the FDA.

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What to know about Mirena IUD Lawsuits
At Anvil Legal Group we are representing women who have suffered perforation of the uterus and migration of the device outside the uterus. Spontaneous perforation and migration of the device has required many women to undergo surgery to remove it. In many cases, the device has migrated outside the uterus and embedded itself in the abdominal cavity. Even worse, theses side effects may have lasting complications such as infertility and scarring.
It is important to understand that the FDA approval process does not alleviate drug manufacturers of liability for the unwarned side effects of a medication. Failure to disclose information about the potential dangers of a drug creates grounds for legal action. In many instances, it is determined through legal proceedings that the manufacturers concealed some of the risks of using a particular medication. Equally important is that you find experienced legal representation that knows your rights and what it takes to garner justice on your behalf.
We are assisting women injured by Mirena recover for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Bayer estimates that perforation complications occur in 1 of about every 1,000 to 10,000 devices implanted. It is also estimated that approximately 8% of women in the U.S. are using this device. Additional complications include:
- Abscesses
- Intestinal perforations
- Embedment in the uterine wall
- Infections
- Required Hysterectomy
- Internal Organ Damage
If you have suffered any of these serious complications after having the Mirena IUD implanted call us immediately. We have already assisted many women file a lawsuit to obtain compensation. If you are having symptoms that may related to your device we urge you to seek medical attention and have the device placement evaluated.